Today (AutoX) was amazing! I can't even describe how much better this is.
I'm not a world class driver. but my group of friends and I drive most events together. I'm usually about 1sec ahead of them, depending on course, etc. (a setup MR2, SCCA spec Miata, supercharged+suspension BRZ). Today started the same way.... about 1sec ahead of them.
But, the car didn't feel like it was on its bleeding edge of my ability... so I pushed. And I mean, pushed -- let's try going through the slalom FULLY WOT kinda push. The car stayed totally flat, connected, on rails. The surface sucked, it's a parking lot, not an airfield, so it's uneven, it undulates, parts are loose, and the morning was wet, etc... but the car just soaked up the irregularities.
Even the hole-shot/launch felt harder (good way).
Somehow the car was stiffer, and yet just soaks up any bumps. I mean, this is BLACK MAGIC.
Suddenly, I'm >3sec ahead of my boys.
Suddenly, I'm .4 sec off the class leading GT4 (weird classing structure at this club, and no PAX, not my usual club)
My car is now just unreal. I haven't found the words. And I feel like the last 14 years of ownership were almost wasted. It's a crime the car didn't come with these Penskes... HOLY SHIT. Not saying it's the prime Exige, but for me... holy shit.
OK, I'll try to find words later. I'm on cloud 9, truly. These Penskes are like a cheat code!
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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
July 3, 2018
I would highly recommend these shocks to anyone who wants to go around corners fast. Body roll is reduced to the point of being barely noticeable due to the 500/700# springs. My girlfriend says the ride is better than with the stock Bilstein’s, except when encountering larger bumps. The extra stability when going from a quick right-hander to left more than makes up for that. I was also able to lower my ride height without hitting my front spoiler.